Located in St. Louis, MO, White House is a Jesuit retreat house based on The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius.
Since 1922, White House has been offering 3 day preached retreats throughout the year on our beautiful 80 acre campus located on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. On each retreat four or five priests are available for private conferences and the celebration of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. People of all faiths are welcome at White House!
Mass is celebrated each day and at night there is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Explore the beautiful campus, walk the Way of the Cross, and pray at the shrines of the Sacred Heart, the Holy Family, Our Lady and St. Joseph.
White House has never had a fixed charge for our retreat. We have always asked for a free will offering from the retreatants, based on what they choose to give.
The minimum age for attending a White House retreat is 18.

Weekend retreats begin with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and end Sunday at 1:30pm following lunch. Thursday Check-In runs from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Weekday retreats begin with lunch at 1:00 p.m. Monday and end with brunch at noon Thursday. Monday Check-In runs from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
*Our gates are closed until check-in begins and while retreats are in session.
What To Expect-
You will be assigned a small private room with a bathroom and shower at check-in. Take time to settle in and make yourself at home. You will be able to meet some of the White House staff, ask questions, get acquainted with the grounds and meet others attending the retreat. A complete retreat itinerary can be seen here.
"First Timers" are welcomed by members of our office staff with a special "Welcome Packet." Staff members are there to make sure that you have all the info you need and that you know where you need to be next. Let the relaxation begin! More info for first timers is available here.
Silence is an essential part and expectation of an Ignatian retreat. In the Spiritual Exercises, you journey with the Lord in a renewal of mind, body and spirit. Silence typically begins shortly after your first meal.
Opportunities for discussion and fellowship are available after dinner for those who choose.
All meals are provided during your retreat.
Throughout the retreat there is plenty of downtime for rest, relaxation and private discernment.
We can accommodate up to 90 people per retreat.
If you need help setting up an account and using our online registration portal, CLICK HERE or call 314-416-6400.
CAMPUS VISITORS: If you would like to visit our grounds or walk our trail on your own, you are free to do so on Sundays from 2:00 pm to dusk. Outside of those hours the campus is closed to visitors as we have silent retreats taking place.
For a video further explaining what an Ignatian Spirituality Retreat is and what we do here at White House, CLICK HERE.